We are so excited to get back to work, and will always keep the safety of you and your pets our top priority! Please read below to learn about our new Health and Safety Protocols.

Doggie Bliss has officially been given the green light to re-open for private dog walking services! We have been hard at work behind the scenes, stocking up on masks, new leashes, hand sanitizer and sanitizing wipes in preparation for our grand re-opening.
We must abide by the local guidelines for contactless or curbside pick-up and drop off of your pups. We have many new protocols in place to ensure the health and safety of our wonderful clients and staff, all of which we have highlighted below.
A few requests...
If you are home, and are choosing curbside pickup / drop-off, please walk your dog(s) out to us upon our arrival. We will then clip our leash to your dog’s harness/collar, and you can then unclip yours. Please wear a mask when interacting with our walkers.
If you are requesting services to be done in the home, and people are in the house, we ask that they stay at least 6ft away from our staff and please wear a mask.
If you are not home, please leave treats, wet wipes and harnesses by the front door to avoid us walking through the home.
Please let us know if your walkers have permission to use your restroom in an emergency, as we all stay extra hydrated during the summer. For those of you who will be allowing walkers to use their restroom, we will be providing sanitizing wipes to ensure we properly wipe down anything we have touched, in the case that we do use a client’s restroom.
Please let us know if your walkers have permission to use a nearby sink. All staff are required to wash their hands thoroughly with warm water and soap whenever possible throughout the day, and dry with a paper towel (they will not use the house hand towel).
Please let us know if you have any special requests, such as wiping down door handles, wiping paws, etc.
Most Importantly: If you or someone in your household have been exposed to Covid-19, or are experiencing any flu-like symptoms, please let us know as soon as possible so we may determine if it’s safe to proceed with your services.
We hope you’re staying happy, healthy and grounded throughout all of the turmoil happening in our community, and around the world. We are so grateful for all of your love and support, and look forward to seeing your pups soon!
With Love & Gratitude,
Shannon Hill, Owner
Monique Gomez, Manager