Close your eyes. Breathe. Feel the cool mountain air hitting your face, while the morning sun warms you from the outside in.  This is what we experience most mornings while on our hikes in the Santa Monica Mountains walking our four-legged fur friends.  Everyone is content, exercised, and calm, enjoying the blissful beauty Mother Nature has provided us with.  Can you picture a better way to start your day?  We certainly can’t, and that is why we started Doggie Bliss!

Doggie Bliss: Dog Walking and Pet Sitting was established in 2010.  Before it’s beginning, we left the comfort of our families and cozy Brooklyn apartment to gain life experience, and figure out what we were doing with our lives.  We packed up our little Toyota, two Boston terriers, and headed to the great West Coast!  After a 10-day drive, and three thousand miles between “home” and us, we finally made it!  We were super excited, and had no idea what LA had in store for us.

Our first day, we arrived to find that the apartment we’d put down a deposit on had 10 other deposits on it, and that we’d been scammed! Then we were introduced to LA drivers in the best way possible…3 rear-end accidents in 2 months! Lastly, we lost our only income due to the slow economy. Needless to say, moving to California gave us jump-start into adulthood, and a push to pick our heads up and believe in ourselves.

After this series of unforeseen and unfortunate circumstances, it was then that Shannon, owner of Doggie Bliss, decided that it was now or never to follow her dreams.  With over 10 years of experience working with animals, she decided to put her passion of animals and caring for them into action!  Starting Doggie Bliss was the best decision that she had ever made.  Our lives are so full gratitude, love and joy.  Everyday we get to meet new clients, fur-friends and human alike.  Our clients become family, and are treated as so.  Every dog has a different personality, and like us, they come with different experiences and backgrounds.  Most of the buddies we are lucky enough to have are rescued, and we get the opportunity to watch them come out of their shell, and into the pups they are meant to be!

Thank you for reading our story, and please keep following us for tips, pictures, and learning more about our buddies!  We’re looking forward to sharing our Doggie Bliss life with each and every one of you!

Kat and Shannon

“The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.”
― Mahatma Gandhi