It’s December, the end of a very long year for us all. We would like to take this time to express our appreciation, and thank everyone who has been part of the Doggie Bliss family!

To Our Loyal Clients: Our company could not be what it is today without you! We LOVE your fur babies as our own, and providing you service has been one of the most rewarding things for us during this dark year. We can’t thank you enough for your loyalty and love.

To Our Essential Workers and First Responders: We could not move forward through this pandemic without you. You are doing the thankless job that many of us could never do. We appreciate, respect and value you beyond words. 

To Our Loving Staff: Without you, our company could not have built the reputation that it has today. It is due to your professionalism and care that we have not only gained such amazing clients, but kept them as clients as well. They see in you what we see in you. Your love and dedication to the animals is priceless! 


Thank you, Thank you, THANK YOU!!!!    


With Love and Gratitude,

Shannon and Monique